The Sims 4 Generations Challenge


Hey, guys, this is Jj Simmer and this is my challenge. As some of you may know.  I’ve been playing the sims for years. However, I just recently started my youtube channel. I’ve always admired challenges. I loved watching people attempt challenges on youtube. However, I never attempted a challenge before I started my own youtube channel. My runaway teen challenge was the only challenge I ever attempted, and it didn’t go as planned. To be honest it was kinda a fail. (I also ended up losing most of the parts to that challenge, so don’t even bother watching). Anyways even though I did fail that didn’t make me want to give up challenges. It made me want to create my own challenge. A challenge that I knew I could complete, but not too easily. So I made the generations challenge.

I loved The Sims 3 generation, and I wanted to make something like that in the sims 4. My favorite thing about The Sims 3 generations was the family aspect. I’ve really missed that. Now I know what you thinking. Jj there are tons of challenges that have to do with family. I know and trust me I thought about doing them. However, none of them fit with what I wanted with my next challenge to be.I didn’t like the rules of the big sister challenge, and I knew if I did attempt it I would end up breaking them, and I didn’t want that. I knew I would never be able to complete the 100 baby challenge it was way too long. That was also the case with the legacy challenges. Furthermore, I couldn’t find one that had everything I wanted from a challenge. So I made one myself.

I guess you could consider this challenge sort of like a mini legacy challenge in a way. Most of the rules have changed. However, I won’t lie I did take some inspiration from the legacy challenge. Like I said before I didn’t do an official legacy challenge because they were too long. Also because I find that in legacy challenges you don’t get to know each member of the family very well because you are trying so hard to finish the challenge. It’s kinda like there are the stars of the challenge and the co-stars. You can’t make everyone a star because there is just too many people. My intention with this challenge is that you got to get to know each sim very well. Ideally, I would like each sim to have a huge part in this challenge, and be the star of this challenge.

  1. Must start with all sims in household being single
  2. Are allowed to have more than one sim in your original household
  3. Must get through 5 generations
  4. Each generation must have a minimum of 4 kids
  5. Once all children age up it’s time to move on to next generation
  6. Next generations will start with the third child's NO EXCEPTIONS

  1. None of your sims are allowed to have jobs. Must collect money through skills and hobbies.
  2. If you have enough money you are allowed to own restaurants or retail shops
  3. Only allowed 10,000 simoleons to build the house. Then must restart to money to 0 (using money cheat).
Reasoning Behind Rules:
  1. First off it makes it a little more challenged. Second I think it’s cute that your sim has to find someone. You get to see their relationship from the beginning.
  2. If you want your original sim to have siblings then that's allowed. Or your sims can have roommates if you please. Furthermore, if you want your sim and their future lover in the same house that's allowed.
  3. I decided to go with 5 because that's a lot of generations. However, I don’t think that it’s a ridiculous amount. It’s less than most challenges.
  4. This challenge is all about having a big family. I didn’t want to have a generation with possibly only 1 sim. Furthermore, it’s another thing to make this challenge more challenging.
  5. I didn’t want you to skip out on any of the kid's life. I wanted to have the ability to watch all of the children grow into a young adult.
  6. I didn’t think I could pick a sim to carry on with. So I just decided that you had to move on with the third child. It’s not like you can’t see the other children.
  7. This challenge is all about being a family. I thought with this restriction it would allow you to have more family time. Also, I think it adds to the challenge. It’s not going to be easy raising a family when none of your sims are allowed to have jobs.
  8. At first, I wasn’t going to allow retail stores or restaurants. However, then I thought about it and I thought that a family business would really be something cool. Also, you're self-employed, so hopefully your sim remember to make time for the family.
  9. At first, I was going to say you aren’t allowed any money, but then I thought that was unfair. So you're allowed to build something a little less than a starter home. Then you must reset your money to 0.
Additional Rules:
  1. Your sim can not already be married to the person, and can’t already have kids of their own: I think this rule is here for obvious reasons. It would just be weird if you sim already had their family started. However, with saying that your original sims partner may have kids if you want. They just don’t count since you didn’t raise them.
  2. You can start with a boy or girl: I feel like most legacy challenges start with girls. I know mine will be. However, go ahead and start with a boy.  
  3. You are allowed to adopted: I always hated that in some legacy challenges adoption wasn’t allowed. I found it offensive like they were saying that you have to be blood-related to be considered part of the family. I never understood the reasoning behind that.
  4. You can marry whoever you want: The Sims can be one you created. It can be a townie. Your sim can marry someone of the same gender. It honestly doesn’t matter!

That's it for my challenge rules. I know this may be a weird challenge. However, I know I’ll be attempting to complete it. Tell me what you think in the comments down bellow. If you have any idea of rules I should add or change then comment that below as well. Make sure you tell me if you attempt this challenge. You’ll be able to see me attempting this challenge on my youtube channel, so go check that out!

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