The Runaway Teen Challenge


Hey guys it's JjSimmer. I thought that since I gave you guys some background on the sims from my Get to Work Doctor's let's play. It was only fair that I did the same for Holly (who is the teen in my runaway teen challenge if you didn't know). If you guys didn't know I actually put out a trailer for my runaway teen challenge. That trailer included a lot of background on Holly. However, there is more to the story, so I decided that I would share that with you. Personally, I think of sims as people (which may sound a little crazy). Anyways everybody has a backstory, so I try to make my sims have one. I'm just not very good at expressing that in my lets plays. But hey I'm working on that. My goal is that when I play the sims I also tell a story. Now I haven't achieved that. I'm not even close. However, I hope one day my lets plays are story driven! Anyways let's get into Holly's story!

As you know Holly is a runaway teen. She ran away because she didn't get along with her parent. Or at least that was part of the reason. I know most of you probably think that's ridiculous. She was living such a nice life, and she threw that away just because she didn't get along with her parents. However, it was way more severe than that. Holly has had money all her life. She's always been wealthy. Money never meant much to Holly. Yes, she may have had everything money can buy. However, what she really wanted was a family.

What Holly really wanted was parents to love her. Holly's father wasn't rude like her mother. However, he was absent most of her life. He didn't care about Holly at all. He barley even acknowledged she existed. He didn't want her from the start. She was a burden on his life. He blamed her for not achieving all of his goals. Even though he would never admit that to her face. Holly's father wasn't mean to Holly. He just avoided her like the plague. As a child if she ever asked him to play he would say no every time. He acted like Holly was no more than a kid that he had no relation to.

The only reason Holly was ever born was so that her dad Lucas didn't leave her mother Jessica. Jessica was a young adult when she dated Lucas. Lucas, on the other hand, was a teen. Jessica wasn't born into money, so what first attracted her to Lucas was the fact he was rich. Lucas, however, was born into money. Just like Holly he's had money all his life. However, that didn't mean he wasn't ambitious. He has always wanted to be a professional athletic. Jessica hated that ambition because she knew it would lead him to one day leave her.  She decided the only way to get him to stay was to have his child. She got pregnant with Holly. Lucas was not excited about this news. However, he wouldn't leave his child. More importantly, Lucas' parents wouldn't let him leave his child. So he and Jessica got married.

Holly's mom spent more time with Holly then her dad. However, she treated Holly like a piece of shit. Holly was Jessica's little servant. She expected so much from Holly. And when Holly inevitable disappointed her she got mad. She was always telling Holly she wasn't good enough, and that nobody would every love her. Over the year's she grew to despise her mother.

Holly had been wanting to run away for years. However, she never had the guts too. A part of her still loved her family. A part of her wanted to be with them. What pushed her over the edge was when her parents went on vacation. Now they regularly went on vacation. Most of the time without Holly. However, this time, they didn't even tell her they were leaving. Why this hurt Holly so much is because she had no clue where they were. Originally she thought they had been in some kind of accident. Holly went into a panic. She called the police and everything. A few days after she reported them missing the police discovered they were just vacationing in Cuba. Holly was relieved her parents were okay.

Jessica and Lucas were forced to come back from their trip. Since all the drama that had happened with Holly and the police. When they heard Holly had called the police they were furious. They couldn't belive Holly would do something so stupid. They were modified. The first thing Jessica did when she got home was yell at Holly.  She called her all sort's of nasty names. Holly was in shock. Originally she has just relived that her parents were okay. However, when they came back angry with her she was extremely upset. This was her turning point. This was the moment Holly realized her parents didn't care about her at all!

That night she went to bed crying. She had never been spoken to like that by her mom. She was beyond hurt. She had thought her parent were missing, or even worst dead. She had been so desperate to find them. When she thought something had happened to them she really realized how much she cared about them. Then to find out they didn't care about her at all was devastating. She knew she couldn't stand to be in that house for one more day. That night she ran away. She didn't run away far because she knew her parents wouldn't come looking for her. She was scared to say the least. She didn't have any money. She didn't have a shelter. She had basically nothing. The only thing Holly had was her freedom. Holly was finally free!

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